Mission Complete: XCOM 2 (XB1)

My first campaign run failed spectacularly on Normal difficulty, despite finishing Enemy Unknown years prior. It was a combination of too many dead/injured soldiers so my squad was perpetually made of rookies and not enough initial reading on research and facility build orders. The Avatar Project sped along as I was desperately struggling to get anywhere.

I did some reading on build orders based on how I wanted to play, and started a new campaign shamefully on Rookie difficulty. This combination made all the difference, as I still felt challenged and well-thought strategy was still very important. There were missions where I was flawless and others I squeaked out an evac just in the nick of time. I didn’t lose a single important high level squad member, but it was still a struggle to keep them out of the infirmary for long stretches of time.

I’m not sure when I’ll play it again as playing 1.5 campaigns was enough for me for a while. I got the PC version in a humble bundle, so maybe down the road when I’m in the mood to be thoroughly punished I’ll see what the Long War 2 mod is all about.