Mission Complete: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (XB1)

  • Date: 2017-02-15
  • Time: 48h
  • Achievements: 38/74
  • Gamerscore: 755/1680
  • Warchiefs Killed: 7
  • Slaves Liberated: 1119

Fantastic game. The combat is awesome, beating Mad Max and the Batman games in my opinion. The art style and overall feel of the game world imitates the Lord of the Rings movies really well and the Nemesis system is such a refreshing gameplay feature.

You could take on a whole horde by yourself or stealthily take over a stronghold without being seen and feel like a badass doing either one. Great abilities and weapons to make both fun, and a lot of mission variety to keep things interesting. Also, watching Uruks run in fear is such a joy.

Gripes? As others have said, the final battle(s) were anti-climatic considering all you went through to get there. I also don’t like the Caragor-riding missions as I find the controls sluggish compared to your normally nimble character.

If you like the gameplay of Mad Max or the Arkham games, this one is highly recommended.

Game Time: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor


If you combine the best elements of the combat of the Batman Arkham series with the exploration of the Assassin’s Creed series, and then add the surprisingly awesome Nemesis system, you get Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.


Despite loving Dragon: Age Inquisition, I needed to take a break from my 120+ hour save to try something new. I had picked up Shadow of Mordor during a recent sale and kept hearing overwhelmingly positive reviews, so I decided to give it a try. It was exactly what I needed.

Great creature designs.
Great creature designs.